Tuesday, May 31, 2011

effective organizational communication week 8

Chapter 13
Pubilc Presentation Strategy

1. Identifying the topic and the purpose

2. Identifying the general and specific purposes of the presentation
A. General purpose (Informative presentations, Persuasive presentations, Motivational presentations, Ceremonial presentations)
B. Specific purposes (=Thesis statement)

3. Identifying and researching main ideas
A. Generating potential main ideas
B. Doing research
C. Explanations
D. Examples
E. Statistics
F. Testimony
G. Visual Aids (3 types)

4. Types of outlines: a complete-sentence outline, a topic outline and a speaker's outline
Basic principkes for complete-sentence outline and topic outline:
Appropriate Numbering Systems: Ⅰ A ⒈ a  ⑴

Chapter 14
Informative presentation

A successful presentation
1. Analyze potential sources of noise (Physical and Psochological noise)
2. Adapt to your listeners
3. Shared perspectives
4, Appearance (Cosmetics and Clothing)

Image comes from:

Sunday, May 29, 2011

effective organizational communication week 7

Chapter 12

1. Goal setting
2. Informal and formal bargaining
3. Demensions of negotiating
A. Information management
B. Positioning
C. Concessions
D. Strategic bargaining (Compatitie strategies)

4. Conflict
A. Definition
B. Cause of conflict is competing goals (Content goals, Rational goals, )

5. Managing Conflicting Goals
6. Conflict Styles and Tactics
A. Competing
B. Accomodating
C. Avoiding
D. Compromising
E. Collabrating

Conflict over business ideas, decisions or actionsIf the conflict is caused by opposing ideas, you could:
  • Try to stick to the issue in all dealings. This will encourage the other person to do the same.
  • Appreciate that other people have different opinions that are just as valid as yours.
  • Work out whether the issue really means that much to you, or whether your dislike for the other person has hardened your stance.
  • Decide that your aim is to solve the problem, rather than 'win' the argument. Be prepared to compromise.
  • Push aside feelings or judgements about the other person, and try hard to listen and understand their point of view.
  • Get others to mediate.
Personality clashes
If the conflict is caused by personality clashes, the conflict will most likely continue unless attitudes and behaviours are changed. Suggestions include:
  • Accept that people are different.
  • Think about how much energy you are wasting in your dislike for the other person, and how you could invest that energy in more productive ways.
  • Don't gossip or complain about the person to others.
  • Try to be reasonable and polite, or at least neutral, to the other person.
  • Work towards making your workplace a friendlier environment.

Image :http://www.jetson.net.au/Conflict.html
Content: http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Workplace_conflict

Sunday, May 22, 2011

effective organizational communication week 6

Chapter 9
Employment Interviews

The interviewer
What should the managers do in the employment interview?

- Before interview
1. Developing Job Specifications
     BFOQs, include the neccessary expreience, educational background, and skills

2. Advertising the Position
     Midsize and large organization advertises job openings, hold recuitment sessions on colloege campus, screen and interview applicants, make formal offers of employment.
Magazines, newspaper and professional journals is not the best method.
Networking, providing interships and using employees' referrels is good method.

3. Reviewing Resumes
    Work experience, educational background, college major

4. Preparing a list of questions

5. Legal Issues
     p. 242 Legal and Discriminatory Questions

- In Interview
1. Creating a Comforatable Atomsphere
Place of interview, positive communications

2. Sequencing Questions
Select an interview style

3. Closing the Interview
Part 1: Any final questions that the candidate may have
Part 2: A summary of the main issues discussed in the interview
Part 3: The reestablishing of rapport.

- Atfer Interview
1. Evalutate Candidates
Evaluation Forms

The interviewee
What should interviewees do in the employment interview?

Top five qualities
Communication Skills (Verbal and written)
Honesty/ Indegrity
Teamwork Skills
Interpersonal Skills
Motivation/ Initiative

- Before interview
1. Developing a Personal Biography
Educational background, work experience and *organizational activities.
2.Researching the Company
3. Preparing a Resume and Cover Letter
Content includes: pp.249-250
4. Dressing Appropriately
5. Preparing ask and answer quesitons p.256
6. Nonverbal Communication Skills
7. Handling Discriminatory Quesitons p.258

Chapter 10  Group Communication

- Factors influencing group communication
1. Cohesiveness
2. Norms
3. Roles (Task roles, Personal roles, Problem roles)
4. Conforniity (Agreement with a set of ideas)
5. Groupthink (A tendency of group members to seek agreement)
    Symptoms of Groupthink, Minimizing Groupthink
6. Advocacy (Help minimize groupthink)
7. Conflict
8. Group Leadership
Traits, Style, Situational Leadership, Functional Leadership

(Image comes from: http://www.watblog.com/2010/05/22/the-digital-media-echo-chamber-are-we-only-talking-amongst-ourselves/ )

Friday, May 13, 2011

effective organizational communication week 5

Chapter 8


Interviewer Tip 3

Question the resume
Candidates often use catch phrases or words such as, self motivated, goal oriented, hard working, dedicated, and reliable. Some people actually think that using these words will get them a position. You should question each and every adjective a candidate places on their resume in the following manner:
"You state on your resume that you're self motivated. Can you give me an example of how you do this?"
"You claim to be goal oriented, in your opinion, what's the best way to set and achieve goals?"
The candidate should have no trouble answering these questions. If not, perhaps they're just proficient in resume writing.
Another key area to ask about is their top strength or weakness. This is a great opportunity to learn about this person and their suitability for the career in question. Be very concerned with a candidate who feels they have no weaknesses.
Asking tough questions builds credibility in the mind of the candidate and fully backs up your control statement.

Interviewer Tip 5

Little or no eye contact
This could mean a few different things. The candidate is nervous. You could try putting them at ease by beginning the interview with some idle conversation to break the proverbial ice. If the lack of eye contact continues throughout the interview you may begin to wonder if maybe they're hiding something.
Possibly this person just has no self confidence at all. Someone like this is probably not a good candidate for a sales position.

Interviewer Tip 6

The initial handshake
This should be firm and full of confidence without crushing the bones in your hand. There's nothing worse than a limp handshake, or dropping to your knees in agony. The candidate should temper their handshake somewhere in the middle to let you know they're confident without proving they could strangle the blood from your hand.

Interviewer Tip 7

Lack of enthusiasm

If this person is not excited to be interviewing for your company do you really think they will suddenly become excited every day when coming to work?
In conclusion if you know this person is not the type of person you're looking for. You should end the interview as quickly as possible. There's no time limit and your time is valuable, so give it to the right people.
Note: Majority of the site visitors are the people looking for job and not otherwise. These interviewer tips shall help them to understand how the interviewer shall try to measure them. Good Luck!


Saturday, May 07, 2011

effective organizational communication week 4

Chapter 6

Blake and Mouton's Managerial Grid

According to the four different management methods, I will choose this one into my management method. I do love the viewpoint that this theory focus on both relationships and tasks. A good manager should do like this. We can not lose one for another.

Communication skills for Leadership

Effective listening (Chapter 4)
Verbal and nonverbal skills (Chapter 5)

Building trust (Chapter 6)
Keywords: How to build trust? How to sustain trust?
Constancy, congruity, reliability, and integrity.

Promoting understanding (Chapter 6)

Empowering others (Chapter 6)
Keywords: Reduction of Status Differences, Team Building

Chapter 7

After reading Chapter 7, I think the good relationships between managers and coworkers could be the presupposition of effective communication between managers and coworkers. So I think I could get some useful information about how to make a good relationship to your coworkers and use it as the presupposition of effective communication in work place.

Goal setting is a way to build and maintain effective interpersonal relationships between managers and coworkers.
Communication Climate
Power sharing
Diversity: I could connect this part with Chapter which talked about diversity before.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

effective organizational communication week 3

Chapter 4

A. Preparing for Interactive listening

For this preparation, we have to identify which the speaker's communicationstyle.
Then, we have to be more careful about some environmental distractions and emotiaonal distraction.
In addition, we have to pay attension to the message content of the speaker.

B. Interactive Listening
To be a good listener, you have to talk less and listen more. If you are talking, it's hard to you listen at the same time. You can not hear or remember anything about others saying when you are also saying.

It's another condition that could be a listener, that's asking questions. If you are listening to somebody carefully, you must have question about the message content or the emotion of agreement. These are the evidences of your careful listening. Otherwise, you will not get any ideas by listening to others.

Nonverval behaviior is also as important as other two elements of interactive listening. If you do not do some nonverbal behavior, the speaker might be doubted that you are not listening to his or her, because you have not got any reactions to his or her. It is not good that you are sitting like a tree and do not say a word or watch in speakers' eyes.

The Three D's
Keyword: Distraction, Disorientation and defensiveness.

Chapter 5

Main idea: Make an effective communication between employees and managers by verbal and nonverbal skills.
what verbal or nonverbalb communication should/should not do to your employees/managers

Proxemics & Territoriality
What is the best distance between managers and employees

Verbal Skills
Keywords: Choosing the setting of communication, Chronemics, Effective language, Racist and Sexisy language, Paralanguage

Nonverbal Skills
Appropriate nonverbal communication helps verbal communication more effectively

*Almost every chapters have a section of anxiety management. So I think I can do a induction for those paragraphs and pick up best one or two anxiety manegement to talk in my personal paper.

(Photo comes from: http://www.businessinsider.com/20-ways-to-nail-a-good-first-impression-2010-12?op=1)

Friday, April 22, 2011

effective organizational communication week 2

Chapter 3

A. Effects of Diversity
     Keywords: Gender, Age, Ethnicity, Physical ability, Religion, Sexual Orientation

B. Communication between diverse people
     In this part, I think I will focus on Gender, Age and Ethnicity. My effective communication style might be separated into three parts, because I think these three parts are the most influential parts in diversity. 
     I can point out some effective communication skill refer to Gender, Age and Ethnicity.

C. Positive Cultural Conflict & Cultural Communication Conflict
     I can stretch the part of Ethnicity with talking about Positive Cultural Communication Conflict.